Penn Soil RC&D Now Serving As Fiscal Agent For Girl Scouts Of Warren County - Kinzua Country Service Unit #3628
Donations made to Penn Soil RC&D Council in the name of the Girl Scouts of Warren County - Kinzua Country Service Unit 3628 or through local community giving days such as Warren Gives, will now stay in Warren County to benefit the girls the donations were intended for! Previously, donations made to local troops were usually sent to the Girl Scouts headquarters in a bigger city in Pa with very little of that money finding its way back to Warren County.
This new financial arrangement between the Kinzua Country Service Unit and Penn Soil RC&D Council will mean funds earmarked to benefit young ladies here, will be available for the Girl Scout troops to access when they would like to plan events, outings and possibly establish more troops. We are told that there are many Warren area girls waiting to join a troop due to the fact that current troops are filled up. Volunteer leadership is needed to ensure there are more troops available for these young ladies to join. Visit their Facebook page : GSWPA KInzua Service Unit for contact information and to find out how you can help make a positive difference in the lives of the young ladies of Warren County!
We would like to thank the organizers of Warren Gives, the Community Foundation of Warren County, for approaching Penn Soil RC&D on behalf of the Girl Scouts of Warren County by suggesting we act as their fiscal agent so funds raised in Warren County stay in Warren County.